He was the editor- in- chief of The Chicago Maroon during his year 1989 to year 1990 school year. For a short time, Saul Bellow was a thesis advisor to John Scalzi who abandoned him when he later became Student Ombudsman for the same University. They attended The Webb – Schools of California and after that John Scalzi went to The University of Chicago where he became a classmate of David Auburn who is Pulitzer Prize winning play-writer. It is well recorded that he was in high school with John Marshall who is a noted blogger and both were year 1987 class members. John Scalzi was born and spent his early childhood in California specifically in Los Angeles in the suburbs of Glendora, Covina and Claremont. He has also worked as a creative consultant for Star-gate Universe which is a TV series. John Scalzi has written columns and non- fiction books on different topics such as video games, finance, astronomy, films, and writing.

In year 2013, his novel known as Red-shirts won the Hugo- Award for Best Novel. In year 2008, John Scalzi won Hugo Award predominantly based on that blog for Best Fan-writer which he has used for several charity drives.

He is well known for his blog whatever’ where he has written on a various types of topics daily since year 1998 and his Old Man’s War series’ and his three novels and they have being nominated for Hugo Award. John Scalzi is an American online writer and Science fiction writer and he is a former- president of the Fantasy Writers and Science Fiction of America and was born May 10, 1969.